December 24, 2021

The God Who Came for You

John 3:16 reveals a reason Jesus takes the journey to earth; a why, of the trip from heaven, for whosoever believes in him can enter eternal life....... But what other reason may there be? .......Actually there are many other reasons he came; to seek and save the lost; to fulfill the law and the prophets; to bring fire and judgment; to gather his bride, the church; to do his father's good pleasure, etc.

In a prayer journey to Kansas City, our Zion Ignite team were welcomed by one of the original Kansas City Prophets, Jill Noble, at a meeting connecting, Missouri and South Dakota intercessors. Jill thought there is one verse that really sums up why Jesus came! Can you guess?

1 John 3:8 says, "the reason the Son of God was manifest, was to destroy the works of the devil!'

We know the devil came to 'steal, kill, and destroy, whereas Jesus came to give us life, and life to the full!...John 10:10.... But the bottom line is Jesus came to undo all the works of the devil in our lives. We want to partner with, and agree with that mandate, and bring heaven to earth!

So not only did he come for the world, he came for you, and not just to save you but to arm you for battle, in destroying the devil's work! We get to participate in building the Kingdom! Lord, thank you that I have been saved, but also equipped! Hallelujah!

Christmas and Shabbat Blessings from Zion Ignite

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Glory of Zion International Ministries in Corinth, Texas, and shares this Glory portal with Set Free Sozo Ministries and Sioux Falls Healing Rooms.

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