September 30, 2023

Fall Feasts-Tishrei

The Month of Tishrei

This is a month that connects one Hebrew year, 5783 to another, 5784. Therefore, it’s a time of new beginnings, saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new.

As the Heidlers and Chuck Pierce point out in A Time to Advance, Tishrei is the first month of the year but in the reckoning of the months, it is the seventh month. Another way to put that is that the month of Nissan(Passover) starts the new years' spiritual calendar, and Tishrei starts the new civil calendar. To some that still seems a little fuzzy!

Tishrei starts with the blowing of the Shofar, Rosh Hoshana,or Feast of Trumpets, to announce the new year. As said earlier, It’s an awakening call to shift into the new! This is followed by the ten days of Awe, times of ‘Teshuvah’ which means ‘return’ or ’repentance!’ These days culminate in the Day of Atonement, the holiest day on the Hebrew calendar, where they ask Yahweh to write their name in the Book of life. Of course, for believers this has already happened through the blood of the lamb. In the meantime, we pray that this day could a ‘breakthrough day’ and Yeshua, would reveal himself to them as their true Messiah.

And now we are in Tabernacles, which is the only feast that has not yet been fulfilled by Jesus. It’s a time of celebration for the fall harvest, and pictures the final harvest, and the final celebration, the great wedding feast of the lamb!

In the meantime, Tishrei is also associated with the constellation, Libra, pictured by a set of scales, which represents the justice system. Lord, bring your justice, now!

This is also the month of Ephraim, the second born to Joseph, who passed his brother Manasseh, in favor and anointing. Ephraim had an anointing to be fruitful and multiply! This was the call given to Adam and Eve in the garden. Lord we embrace the same anointing!

Tabernacles, also called Feast of Booths, refers back to the Israelites wilderness wanderings for forty years in the desert. The Lord God, to remind the Jews of his supernatural ability, commanded the Jews to set up tents, temporary shelters called ‘Sukkahs’ giving a snapshot, of those days, as He met all their needs in spite of their rebellions. God prefers mercy over judgment, something we can celebrate all year long! Shalom, shalom!

If you’re setting up a sukkah, invite God’s presence, or come to the sukkah at Zion Ignite for a blessing!

Kingdom Advance Network from England also has a ‘take’ on the fall feasts. Click on this link to see their input!

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Glory of Zion International Ministries in Corinth, Texas, and shares this Glory portal with Set Free Sozo Ministries and Sioux Falls Healing Rooms.

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