November 30, 2021

The feast of Hanukkah-Joy

Joy, the second candle we light for the feast of Hanukkah, is also the second fruit of the Spirit listed in Galations5:22-23. Joy is characterized by an indwelling sense of well being that does not depend on outside circumstances. According to the Passion Translation, ‘joyoverflows!

When Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls of the city of Jerusalem, he declared, ‘the joy of the Lord is our strength,’ in the midst of opposition to their project. Let the candle we light, and that declaration inspire us to rely on Holy Spirit when opposition to the kingdom of God is all around us. So not only should joy overflow, it should give us strength!

Joy is a fruit that maybe many of us have had to cultivate over the long haul, to overcome setbacks, circumstances, and Satan! But it’s a fruit that can last.

Happiness is fleeting, because it’s really an emotional expression. Joy, however, comes from the Joy giver, who lives in us, Christ, the hope of Glory.  

As we light this Joy candle, ‘May the God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy, and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of Holy Spirit continually surround your life with super-abundance as you radiate with hope! (TPT) Shalom, shalom!

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Glory of Zion International Ministries in Corinth, Texas, and shares this Glory portal with Set Free Sozo Ministries and Sioux Falls Healing Rooms.

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