June 11, 2022

Hebrew Month of Sivan

Month of Sivan*


This is the third month on the Jewish Calendar. It comes after Nissan, the ‘new Spiritual year’ month, the month of Passover, and Iyar, the month the Israelites left Egypt, a transition or hinge month.

This is the month of Pentecost, or Shavuot, as the Jews celebrate the giving of the Torah, on Mount Sinai by Moses. So this is a month characterized by giving, the fruit of the land at the wheat harvest, the Torah at Mt. Sinai, and then later, Holy Spirit given to the disciples 10 days after Jesus ascension. So Sivan is all about Provision or God’s abundance, as well as revelation of truth.

This is also a month of walking out our decrees. Kingdom Advance ministries says we need to get a revelation of strategy for the next three months, which includes Sivan, Tammuz, and Av. Each month gives us decrees to order our steps with….

Of course, Tammuz and Av, have their own prophetic significance. But back to Sivan. This month like every other, is an opportunity to give a first-fruits offering, not just financial, but in Sivan you can give an offering of Revelation, to those able to receive it. Torah and Holy Spirit are two examples of Revelation we can share. Jesus came to fulfill the law, not abolish it, so there is revelation in the Hebrew roots of Torah.

My wife and I went to a conference called Pentecostal Glory Fire last month and received a download or impartation of the presence of God. You may call it a revelation of more truth of His ways. This conference built our faith to a higher level, as we go from faith to faith, and glory to glory. "Receive an impartation of Glory Fire now!"  

This month we can receive supernatural mercy and truth to complete things, which is another promise for the month of Sivan. I also declare a ‘finishing anointing,” over you as you read this!

This is another month to pay attention to how angels minister to you, and speak to you! This means an increase in your faith in the supernatural, rather than trying to lean on your own understanding!

Destiny Ministries of Arkansas City, Kansas reminds us that we can fall for a ‘poverty mentality’ which is contrary to the month of Sivan, a month of abundance. They suggest asking Holy Spirit to reveal any personal limiting beliefs, that’s limiting God’s ability to come through on your behalf. The problem is that we open up this ‘poverty gate’ with negative, faith destroying thinking and talking! Stop it!

‘God is able to supply all our needs above all we ask, think, or desire; (Eph. 3:20) as Jesus upholds the entire universe with his ‘mighty word of power!’ (Heb. 1:3)

If a poverty mindset rules you, repent! Count your blessings instead of your burdens! A lot of End-time disaster books are selling fear! It’s God’s word that tells the truth, not our circumstances. God will give us wisdom on how to navigate the things happening around us. But not with a spirit of fear or lack!

The key letter of the Hebrew alphabet this 3rd month, is Gimel, which means a ‘camel’ in Hebrew. Camels were a source of wealth for the Patriarchs. They are a beast of burden, which survive the worst desert conditions. They were used to carry supplies, food, and necessities. When we declare the Camels are coming, we are releasing faith for our necessary resources to manifest. Let’s speak faith!

Suggested decrees:

I am grateful for what I have now!

I walk in truth and am not swayed by circumstances!

I am free from worry, fear, and stress!

My camels are coming and my ship is coming in!

No weapon of lack, spirit of robbery, or limited thinking formed against me shall prosper!

* Material for this blog is taken from, A Time to Advance, by Chuck Pierce, Linda and Robert Heidler; Christine Vales Monthly Chalkboard Teachings; Destiny Ministries, Kansas; Kingdom Advance Network, England; and Lervik.


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Glory of Zion International Ministries in Corinth, Texas, and shares this Glory portal with Set Free Sozo Ministries and Sioux Falls Healing Rooms.

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